Google Postmaster Tools statistics / data missing since 19 April, 2021

As per the user reports from multiple countries, data / statistics such as IP Reputation, Domain Reputation, Spam rate, etc. has stopped updating in Google Postmaster Tools aka GPT since 19 April, 2021.

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PowerMTA v5.0r7 Released – Changelog v5.0r4 to v5.0r7

PowerMTA aka PMTA is considered one of the best commercial MTA (Message Transfer Agent), currently being used by some of the known ESPs (Email Service Providers) & enterprise businesses such as MailChimp, Microsoft, IBM, etc.

Need someone to install & configure PowerMTA for you? Contact us

Continuing the good & hard work by team behind PowerMTA, new v5.0r7 has been released on 2021-01-07. Let’s see what is changed since v5.0r4 release:

Continue reading “PowerMTA v5.0r7 Released – Changelog v5.0r4 to v5.0r7”


MailWizz Changelog for v1.9.7 to 1.9.15

Checkout latest changelog for MailWizz v1.9.15 released on 2020-11-03. As we understand, MailWizz is going in good direction in terms of development. So download MailWizz today from here!

Continue reading “MailWizz Changelog for v1.9.7 to 1.9.15”


PowerMTA v5.0r3 Released – Changelog v5.0 to v5.0r3

PowerMTA is considered one of the best commercial MTA (Message Transfer Agent), currently being used by some of the known ESPs (Email Service Providers) & enterprise businesses such as MailChimp, Microsoft, etc.

Need someone to install & configure PowerMTA for you? Contact us

Continuing the good & hard work by team behind PowerMTA, new v5.0r3 has been released on 2020-02-05. Let’s see what is changed since v5.0 initial release:

Continue reading “PowerMTA v5.0r3 Released – Changelog v5.0 to v5.0r3”


How to use Google Postmaster Tools? Learn about your sending reputation

It is very important for email senders to understand their on-going sending reputation, so that they can control & adjust their email sending practices regularly.

This is where, Google Postmaster Tools aka GPT comes in and becomes your saviour before its too late for you to understand consequences of bad email sending activity. This amazing free tool by Google will surely help you focus on good email sending activity.

Continue reading “How to use Google Postmaster Tools? Learn about your sending reputation”


MailWizz Changelog for v1.8.4 to 1.9.4

Checkout latest changelog for MailWizz v1.9.4 released on 2020-01-06. As we understand, MailWizz is going in good direction. So download that today!

Continue reading “MailWizz Changelog for v1.8.4 to 1.9.4”


MailWizz Changelog for v1.8.0 to v1.8.3

New release of MailWizz, represents hard work by Serban Cristian (aka twisted1919) & his team. In this changelog, you’ll discover all new features & improvements made to MailWizz v1.8.3. A new feature that will catch your focus is Survey, which is new absolutely new to MailWizz platform.

Continue reading “MailWizz Changelog for v1.8.0 to v1.8.3”


It’s observed monthly once reputation falls in Postmaster Tools by Google for no reason

Don’t worry, if you see that your reputation is suddenly dropped when you believe sending activity remained same for all month or week and no big changes were made.

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Google Postmaster’s Statistics are displaying now!

It seems Google has fixed issues related to their Postmaster platform which is now a relief for most of the senders. All statistics are visible now, even for missing dates which were not showing earlier.

Continue reading “Google Postmaster’s Statistics are displaying now!”

